Instructions (PDFs):
What to expect on the day of your procedure at Wilmington GI
Frequently asked questions about your colonoscopy preparation
Miralax colonoscopy prep instructions
Extended Miralax/Mag Citrate prep instructions
Golytely colonoscopy prep instructions
Golytely prep extended instructions
Suprep colonoscopy prep instructions
Prepopik colonoscopy prep instructions
Capsule Endoscopy prep instructions at NHRMC
CapsoCam Endoscopy prep instructions at WGI
Streaming Video:
Online video confirmation form – for colonoscopy patients:
After watching, please read and sign this document (required)

Colon Cancer Screening
Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
Upper Endoscopy: EGD
CapsoCam: Exam Preparation & Retrieval
Bravo pH Patient Training
Bravo pH Patient Training – Spanish