Wilmington Gastroenterology Associates participates with most major medical insurance carriers, presently accepting Medicare, Medicaid, Blue Cross Blue Shield, United Healthcare, Cigna, MedCost, Health Care Savings and Tricare. Other insurance carriers are handled on a case by case basis, so please inquire when scheduling your appointment. If you do not have insurance coverage, we will be glad to help you determine your best self-pay options.
Cost Savings at Our Endoscopy Center
While some patient circumstances and specific procedures require a hospital setting, we are able to schedule most patients’ colonoscopy and other procedures in our ambulatory endoscopy center which typically results in great savings compared to other surgical centers or hospital settings.
No Show Fee
To better serve our patients in a timely manner, we now have a “No Show Fee”. We are hopeful this will reduce the rate of missed appointments that can delay care for those in need. Please ask our receptionist for more details.